Melatonin chelates iron and binds directly with phenylhydrazine to provide protection against phenylhydrazine induced oxidative damage in red blood cells along with its antioxidant mechanisms: an in vitro study
Antioxidant mechanism of melatonin in RBC
Oxidative stress is an important causative factor for a number of diseases. Phenylhydrazine (PHZ) is a widely accepted model for studying hemolytic anemia by induction of oxidative stress. In the present study, goat red blood cells (RBCs) were incubated in vitro with PHZ (1mM) to generate oxidative stress. To test whether melatonin exhibits protective effects on PHZ induced RBC damage and to explore its potential molecular mechanisms, different concentrations of melatonin (5, 10, 20 and 40 nmoles/ml) were also included. PHZ caused altered profiles on biomarkers of oxidative stress and antioxidative as well as glucose metabolic enzymes in RBCs. These alterations indicated a development of oxidative stress. Melatonin at a concentration of 40 nmoles/ml provided optimal protection against all alterations induced by PHZ. The important cellular membrane proteins, including spectrin and actin, were also damaged by PHZ and this led to RBC deformation similar to that of observed in severe β-thalassaemia; the RBC deformation was also prevented by melatonin. Binding profiles of melatonin with PHZ and ferrous iron indicated favorable binding of melatonin with both of them, respectively. Thus, in addition to the direct antioxidant and free radical scavenging capability, melatonin also inhibited iron overloading by chelating iron and binding with the PHZ. This action of melatonin further reduces free radical generation. Based on the results, melatonin may provide therapeutic relevance to ß-thalassemia and other hemolytic RBC disorders involving oxidative stress.
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